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Voted #1


Support your team with an intelligent customer experience platform

Tile resolves 52% of customer conversations

using an AI bot powered by Zendesk.

Shopify handles over 170k monthly conversations

with speed and flexibility thanks to Zendesk Support.

Stanley Black & Decker increases agent efficiency by

300% from the ease of use that Zendesk provides.

Unlock Greater Quality And Efficiency For Self-Service With AI

In Zendesk’s 2024 CX Trends report, we anticipate a future where data and intelligent experiences revolutionize the customer journey. Chatbots will transform into advanced AI agents, resolving diverse issues while maintaining brand voice, marking a significant shift in customer service innovation. Read more.


Make CX Data Privacy Risks Easier To Manage

Zendesk’s CX Trends 2024 report highlights CX leaders’ pivotal role in data and privacy decisions alongside IT and legal departments. Personalized experiences, driven by AI, are sought after by customers, who also demand robust data security measures.

How Conversational Commerce Turns Everyday Interactions Into Revenue Generating Opportunities

Zendesk’s 2024 CX Trends report emphasizes the need for businesses to provide immersive customer experiences, leveraging tools like advanced voice tech and predictive agent management. Such interactive experiences foster loyalty and satisfaction, offering flexibility for innovative engagement strategies. Read more in this report.

The best help desk software solutions for a better customer experience.

Help desk software creates better experiences for your customers and your employees. Learn how to pick the right tool for your business.

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